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Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment suspended in a medium, to a surface. Paint is used to cover the entire surface and create an entirely new image. Paint is usually applied with a brush or palette knife, though other items may be used. Painting describes both the act and the result. Image making through suspended pigments is one of the earliest human languages, dating back to ~22,000 BC.

Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil, commonly, especially in early modern Europe, linseed. Often an oil such as linseed was boiled with a resin such as pine resin. These oils confer various properties to the oil paint, such as less yellowing or different drying times. Certain differences are also visible in the sheen of the paints depending on the oil. Painters often use different oils in the same painting depending on specific pigments and effects desired. The paints themselves also develop a particular consistency depending on the medium.

Oil paint gained popularity in the 15th century and eventually became the principal medium used for creating artworks as its advantages became widely known.

Acrylic paint is fast-drying paint containing pigment suspended in an acrylic polymer emulsion. Acrylic paints can be diluted with water, but become water-resistant when dry. Depending on how much the paint is diluted (with water) or modified with acrylic gels, media, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor or oil painting, or have its own unique characteristics not attainable with other media.

Gouache is a type of paint consisting of pigment suspended in water. Gouache differs from watercolor in that the particles are larger, the ratio of pigment to water is much higher, and an additional, inert, white pigment such as chalk is also present. Like all watermedia, it is diluted with water. This makes gouache heavier and more opaque, with greater reflective qualities.

Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, involves using heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. The liquid/paste is then applied to a surface—usually prepared wood, though canvas and other materials are often used. The simplest encaustic mixture can be made from adding pigments to beeswax, but there are several other recipes that can be used — some containing other types of waxes, resins, and oils or other ingredients. Pure, powdered pigments can be purchased and used, though some mixtures use oil paints or other forms of pigment.


Drawing is a visual art that makes use of mark making instruments to mark a two-dimensional medium. Common instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, charcoals, chalk, pastels, markers, stylus, or various metals like silverpoint. An artist who practices or works in drawing may be referred to as a draftsman or draughtsman.
A small amount of material is released onto the two dimensional medium which leaves a visible mark. The drawing process is similar to that of painting, though unlike painting, drawing uses the surface as a part of the image; often light colored paper "acts" as light values in the image. The most common support for drawing is paper, although other materials are used.

Pencil is an art medium usually constructed of a narrow, solid pigment core inside a protective casing. The case prevents the core from breaking, and also from marking the user's hand during use.

Graphite pencils are the most common types of pencils. They are made of a mixture of clay and graphite and their darkness varies from light grey to black and come in a spectrum of hardnesses. Their composition allows for the smoothest strokes.

Charcoal pencils are made of charcoal and provide fuller blacks than graphite pencils, but tend to smudge easily and are more abrasive than graphite. Sepia-toned and white pencils, referred to as conte, are also available for duotone techniques.

Carbon pencils generally are made of a mixture of clay and lamp black (a black pigment named after the traditional process of collecting soot from oil lamps), but are sometimes blended with charcoal or graphite depending on the darkness and manufacturer. They produce a fuller black than graphite pencils, but are smoother than charcoal.

Colored pencils have wax-like cores with pigment and other fillers. Multiple colors are often blended together. The versatility of a set of colored pencils can be determined by the number of unique colors it contains.

Grease pencils write on virtually any surface (including glass, plastic, metal and photographs). The most commonly found grease pencils are encased in paper, but they can also be encased in wood.

Crayon is a stick of colored wax, charcoal, chalk, or other materials used for writing, coloring, and drawing. A crayon made of oiled chalk is called an oil pastel; when made of pigment with a dry binder, it is simply a pastel. Oil pastels are a popular medium for color artwork. A grease pencil or china marker is made of colored hardened grease and is useful for marking on hard, glossy surfaces such as porcelain or glass.

Pastel is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation. The color effect of pastels is closer to the natural dry pigments than that of any other process.

Charcoal drawings are created using implements made from either burnt sticks (referred to a vine charcoal), usually willow or linden, or a powder bound with gum arabic (referred to as compressed charcoal). Charcoal itself if the residue resulting from a slow burning of organic matter.

Watercolor is a medium in which the pigments are suspended in a water soluble vehicle. Though referred to as paint, watercolor technique utilizes the ground, or material surface, as part of the image, which makes the medium a form of drawing. Watercolor pencils are a compressed form of the paint inside of a pencil, allowing for a variety of mark making options.

Ink Usually a dark pigment suspended in a binder used for rendering symbols or imaghes. Ink is often applied using a pen: a long, thin, rounded device with ink held in a tube or dipped in a resevoir; or a marking pen, felt-tip pen, or marker, which is a pen with its own ink-source absorbed into a porous material such as felt or nylon.

Sumi Ink is a very old material made from a mixture of plant soot and glue, often solidified into sticks or cakes the ends of which are scraped or ground into water on an ink slab. Used often by calligraphers and painters.

Batik Batik is an ancient painting-like and drawing-like method of creating images by dyeing fabric.  Originating in Indonesia and moving outward, many cultures have adopted the process and created a style unique to their region.  The basic premise has remained throughout the centuries: hot wax is applied to fabric, the fabric is dyed, waxed areas resist the dye creating a design.

Papercut Papercut is a form of drawing that creates images using layers of paper that have had shapes carefullly cut out of them. Typically, one layer will act as the ground while additional layers add complexity and form to the image, in much the same way a pencil does. This process relies heavily on the artists' understanding of the concept of positive and negative space.

Digital Digital work is a newer form of creating art that utalized various computer software to use traditional methods and techniques. The surface is replaced by a window that allows the artist a wide degree of freedom when creating. The process of creating digital work can vary from a single layered surface, akin to a physical painting, to a multi-layored collage, that incorperates ready-made or outside imagery and editing techniques.

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